Creating The Perfect Cheese Board with Sabi Collective

Hi, all brides to be, wedding lovers and dreamers like myself!  

My name is Sam, creator of SABI Collective. An Auckland based blog designed to share realistic and aesthetic entertaining ideas helping turn simple moments into meaningful memories. I am so excited to be a guest blogger to share about an all-time favourite- cheese boards!  

Whether you’re a bride to be planning your engagement party, the bridesmaids with the task of assisting with the bridal shower or someone who wants a reason for a celebration- a cheese board is always a go-to! At SABI we strive to create a keepsake of tips you can use now and in 10 years’ time, I hope these cheeseboard tips prove to be as helpful as they have been for us!  


The Perfect Cheese Board

H A V E   A   P L A N.

How many mouths are you satisfying? I say 1/4 to 1/2 a cheese wheel per person!
Know your crowd- savoury, sweet, blue cheese, simple brie gal- unknown? Go for a mix! *Make sure to know your guest’s allergies. Nuts and fruit are a great filler on cheese boards but not for Sally if her night ends at A&E.


W H E R E   T O   S H O P.

A quality supermarket, fresh farmers markets for the best jams and jellies and your upmarket grocery stores would be your best bet! A good quality chocolate to finish off the savouring taste or fresh fruit to make you feel like you’re closer to your 5+ a day fruit and veg makes a difference when you know it’s quality.


A S S E M B L Y.

Rule of thumb- No packaging! Remove all packaging- we don’t want an aesthetically pleasing board killed by an eyesore slogan “ *insert some kind of brand name* 100% fat free hummus” .
When assembling always start with the big items first…bowls and cheeses, then your *vehicle. Throw in your grapes, add some fruits and sweets then voila!


B o n u s …   &   E X T R A S.

  • Greenery adds soul- whether it be fresh rocket or rosemary from the garden- put a sprig of life into your board.

  • Mixture of textures, soft and hard cheeses will please the palate.

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables for a burst of colour and flavour.

  • If you have time on your side a baked Camembert with some fresh honeycomb would be the cherry on top!

  • Don’t forget the wine!

    *Vehicle- your main base for your cheese and toppings e.g. the bread, the crackers etc

 At SABI we like to keep it simple and sweet, there’s no need to panic when you hear the word hosting. In a nutshell for a successful cheese board, a little bit of prep and quality product and you’re away!  

With gratitude,

SABI Collective

“Simply, SABI Collective is an evolving keepsake of all classic entertaining tips and ideas that can be used for any gathering.”

Jessie Peters